Saturday, 23 January 2021

[Vallure day: 125th BD of Netaaji Subhaascandra Bose]. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी Mitram Global Bhojpuri सृ. 24.10.1 972 949 120

 [Vallure day: 125th BD of Netaaji Subhaascandra Bose].

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी 

Mitram Global Bhojpuri

सृ. 24.10.1 972 949 120 शनीचर

[International Bhojpuri Daily: 23.01.2021 CE] 

अंक EDisan: 344.10.9120.

कुछ ख़ास समाचार: Sam Spesal Niuz:

[Be haebeecual of "21st. Century English" => ‘Inglish’ with 50 Letters

पराक्रम दिवस: 125म जनम दिन नेताजी सुभाष चंद्र बोस: 23.01.2021 KE.  

Paraakram Divas: 125m Janam din Netaaji Subhaas Candra Bo~s:

[Vallure day on 23.01.2021: 

125th BD of Netaaji Subhaschandra Bose]:

Netaaji SubhaasCandra Bo~s ke 

Supreem KammaanD me`, 1943 me` INA: 

"Indian Nesanal Aarmi" Senaapati 

Sahgal, Dhillon, Shahnawaaj libareTeD Indiaa (A & N Is).

Eh se Bhaarat ke janataa Assaam se Baloocistaan le, aa Kaashmir se Kanyaakumaari ke dil hilo~r lebe laagal, je se Angreji-Saasan hilee laagal rahe.

Hamani ke Netaaji Bhaarat ke aazaadi ke preranaa rahan.

AnDar da Supreem Kamaand aof Netaaji Subhaaschandra Bose, in 1943 INA: 

Indian Nesanal Aarmi aof 

Sahgal, Dhillon, Shahnawaaj libareTeD Indiaa (A & N Is).

Pipul aof India from A Tu B: "Assaam Tu Baloocistaan" aend fraom K Tu K: Kaashmir Tu Kanyaa kumaari weyar so jubilenT!!!


राष्ट्राध्यक्ष जो बाइडेन के 17 में से 5 पहिला कार्यवाहक आज्ञा: 

1. कोविड-19  कंट्रोल आ टीकाकरण प.

2. WHO प पिछला शासन के आज्ञा पलटलन.

3. ट्रम्प के इम्मिग्रेसन Visa रूल के पलटलन.

4. Historik rol baek aon "KlaaimeT Cenj".

5. स.रा.अ आ मेक्सिको बीच दीवाल बनावे के रोकाइल.   

** MMS: भारत में टीका युद्ध सुरु 16.01.2021 से. 

Koronaa se Bhaarat me` 16.01.2021 se Teekaa-Yudha Suru: 

>  EMS: ke Teekaa ta 2020 Maarce se calataa Bhaarat me`.

MMS: PM Narendra Modi 16.01.2020 ke Bhaarat me` Teekaakaran suru kailan.

Bhaarat me` sab Jilaa me` 

 Koronaa-Teekaakaran caalu bhail Sri: 17.10.9120 se laagataa sabse pahile Covaxin / Covishield Vaccine diyaataa.


** पूर्ण वुहान-विषाणु-Vyaadhi वार्ता: Ab Covid-1.0 aa Covid-2.0 Sansaar me` aa Bhaarato me`:

Pooraa Wuhaan-Veezaanu Vaat: [Comprehensive Wuhan-Virus info.]:

Kamprihensiv Wuhaan-Vaairas info:

** विश्व में वुहान-विषाणु-19 aa -20, Karib 19 लाख से जादा लोगन के मुअवलस. 

Vishwa me` Wuhaan-VeezaaNu [COVID-19 & 20]:

[Wuhan-virus killed over 2 Million people.]

Cin pasarlas Wuhaan-Veezaanu-19 aa Wuhaan-Veezaanu-20 sansaar bhar me`, je se kam se kam 

1 Maran / 10K bhail Sri: 18.10.9120 le 

neece ke deshan me`: 

da MosT saffaring kanTrees aof da WarlD with 

COVID-19 minimam 1 Deth /10Kd aez aon 17.01.2021 KE:


> Sri: 09.09.9120 ke Wuhaan-Vaairas, Vishwa me` paar kailas 2 Maran / 10K ke, aa 

> Kareeb 7 Maheenan me`: 0 Maram / 10K se 

1 Maram / 10K paar kailas 15.06.9120 [18.08.2020] ke. Baakir:

> Kareeb 2.8 Maheenan me`: 1 Maran / 10K se, 

2 Maran / 10 K ho gail Koronaa-1.0 Sansaar me`[15.11.2020] ke.

क्र.सं.  देश  Inglish [English] मरण / 10 K

1. सान मारिनो Saan Marino [San Marino] 19:  +1Ma/k

2. बेल्जियम: Beljiam  [Belgium] 17 +1Ma/k

3. जिब्राल्टर: Jibraaltar [Gibralter]   17 +1Ma/k

4. स्लोवेनिया Sloveniaa[Slovenia] 15 +1Ma/k

5. सजेचिया Sjeciaa [Czechia] 14 +1Ma/k

6. बर्तानिया Bartaaniyaa [UK]     14 + 1Ma/k

7.  इटली ITali    [Italy]    14 +1Ma/k

8. बष्निया हरगोबिना Bosniaa Harzagobinaa 13 +1Ma/k

9. लीएस्टैंटन Lestenten [Liechtenstein] 13 +1Ma/k

10. उ.मकडोनिया N.MekDoniaa [N.Macadonia] 13 +1Ma/k

11.. बुल्गारिया Bulgaariaa [Bulgaria] 12 + 1Ma/k

12. सं. रा. अमेरिका YSA [USA] 12 + 1Ma/k

13. हङ्गरी Hangari [Hungary] 12 + 1Ma/k

14. मोंटेनिग्रो MonTenigro [Moontenegro] 12 + 1Ma/k

15. अंडोरा Andoraa [Andorra] 12 * 1Ma/k

16. पेरू:          Peru 11 +1Ma/k

17. स्पेन: Spe~n    [Spain]  11 + 1Ma/k

18. क्रोएसिआ Kroesiaa [Croasia] 11 * 1Ma/k

19.. पनामा Panaamaa [Panama] 11  * 1Ma/k

20. मैक्सिको Mexiko [Mexico] 11  * 1Ma/k

21. फ्रांस: Fraans [France]    11  * 1Ma/k


22. स्वीडन: Swiden [Sweden] 10 > 1Ma/k  

23. आर्मेनिया Aarmeniaa   [Armenia] 10 > 1Ma/k  

24.  अर्जेंटिना    ArjenTinaa [Argentina]  10 > 1Ma/k

25. स्विटजरदेश: SwiTzarlaend [Switzerland] 10 > 1Ma/k

26. ब्राज़ील:    Braazil  [Brazil] 10 > 1Ma/k

27. चिली      Cili [Chile] 9

28. कोलंबिया Kolombiaa [Colombia] 9  

29. लिथुआनिया Lithuaaniaa [Lithuania]

30. पोलैंड Polaend [Poland]

31. रोमानिया Romaaniaa [Romania]

32. पोर्तुगाल Portugaal     [Portugaal] 9

33. माल्दोवा Maldovaa [Maldova] 8   

34. बोलिविया Boliviaa [Bolivia] 8

35. लक्सेम्बर्ग Laxembarg [Luxemburg] 8  

36. एक़ुआडोर: Ekuwaador [Ecuador] 8

37. ऑस्ट्रिया AsTriaa [Austria] 8


38. उत्तरीदेश: Nadarlaend  [Netherland]

39. जेओर्जिया Jeorjiaa [Georgia] 7

40. बेलिजे Belije [Belize] 7

41. स्लोवाकिया Slovaakiaa [Slovakia]

42. सिंत मार्टन Sint Maarten [Sint Marten] 6

43. ईरान: Iraan [Iran] 6

44. सिंत मार्टिन Sent MaarTin [Saint Martin]    6

45. दक्षिण अफ्रिका daxin Afrikaa [South Africa] 6

46.. जर्मनी Jarmani [Germany]

47. माल्टा Maaltaa [Malta]

48. यूनान Yunaan Grees [Greece]

49. आयरदेश: Aayarlaend [Ireland]

50. लटविया Latviaa [Latvia]

51. ट्यूनिसिआ Tyunisiaa [Tunisia] 5

52. युक्रेन Yukren [Eukraine] 5

53. अरुबा Arubaa [Aruba] 5


53. बहमा Bahamaas [Bahamas]

54. कोस्टा रिका KosTaa rikaa [Costa Rica]

55. कनाडा Kanaadaa  [Canada] 

56. फ्रेंच पोलिनेसिया FrencPo. [French Polinesia] 4

57. अल्बानिया Albaaniyaa [Albania] 4

58. रूस Rus Rassiaa [Russia]     4 

59. इजराएल Israael [Israel]

60. सर्बिया Sarbiyaa [Serbia] 4

61. जॉर्डन    Jordaan [Jordan] 4

62, चैनेल द्धीप: Caenel dweep [Chanal Is] 4

63. गुआदेलोपे Guaadeloupe [Guadeloupe] 3

64. ईराक Iraak [Iraq]

65. हॉण्डुराज Honduraaz [Honduras] 3

66. परागुए Paaraague [Paraguay] 3

67. संत  मार्टिन SanT MaarTin [Saint Martin] 3

68. पैलेस्टाइन Palestaain [Palestine] 3  

69. एस्वातिनी Eswaatini [Eswatini] 3

70. डेनमार्क Denmaark [Denmark]

71. लेबनान Lebanon [Lebanon] 3

72.  अज़रबैजान: Azarbaijaan [Azarbaijan]

73. मोंटेसेराट: Monteserraat [Montesrrat] 2

74. मैन के द्धीप: Maen ke dweep [Is. of Man] 2

75. किर्गिजिस्तान: Kyrgyzstaan [Kyrgyjistan] 2

76. फ्रेंच गुइना Fr. Guinaa [Fr. Guinaa] 2

77. डोमिनिकनरिपDominikanRip [DominicanRep] 2

78. ओमान Omaan [Oman]

79. गुआटेमाला  Guatemaalaa [Guatemala] 2

80. कुवैत Kuwait

0.   विश्व:  Vishwa:  Warld [World]      2

81. बहराइन Bahraain [Bahrain]

82. गुयना Guyanaa [Guyana] 2

83. सूरीनाम Surinaame [Suriname] 2

84. लीबिया Libyaa [Libya]

85. कबो वर्दे  Kaabo Varde [Cabo Verde] 2

86. अल सल्वाडोर El. Salvaador [Salvador] 2

87. मोरोक्को Morokko [Morocco] 2

88. मायोटे Maayotte [Mayotte] 2

89. मोनाको Monaako [Monaco] 2

89. बरमूडा Barmudaa [Bermuda] 1

90. मोनाको Monaako [Monaco] 1

91. गुअतेमला Guatemaalaa [Guatemala]  1

92,. सऊदीअरबिया SaudiArabiaa [Saudi Arabia]

93. तुर्की Tarki [Turkey]

94. तुर्क आ केको Tarks-Kaiko [Turks & Caics] 1

95. बरमुडा Barmudaa [Bermuda] 1

96. बेलारूस Belaarus [Belarus] 1

97. कैरेबियन नेदरलैंड [Caribbian Nertherland] 1

98. कज़ाखस्तानःKazaakhastaan [Kazakhstan] 1

99. मार्टिनीके Maartinike [Martinique] 1

100. भारत: Indiaa [India] 1

101. संत  बर्थ: St. Barth [St. Barth] 1

102. एस्टोनिया EsToniaa [Estonia] 1

103. जमइका Jamaikaa [Jamaica] 1

104. फिनलैंड Finlaend [Finland]

105. साईप्रस Saaipras [Cyprus] 1

107. नामीबिया Naamibiaa [Namibia] 1

108. कुरो काओ Kuro Kaao [Curocao] 1

109. नोर्वे  Norwe [Norway] 1

110. इण्डोनेसिआ Indonesiaa [Indonesia] 1

111. उरुगुए  Urugue [Uruguay] 1

In da ebav 111 kanTreez minimam 100 parsans / M haev losT deyar laaivs Diu Tu da 'WuhaanVaairas' [Covid-19] spreD fraom Caainaa thruaauT da WarlD.

Baakir abahee` ee "Korona-19 Teekaa Vyaapaar" suruye bhail ki, Koronaa-20 aa gail, je Korona-19 se auru jor se faelewaalaa baa!!!



 8Th Barris, शुरुआत Suruaat [Publication since: 02.12.2013 AD]

  ‘Roman', ‘Devanaagari’ Lipi me`. [May use ‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script.]

** 'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik', 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' ke Uddes aa Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa. Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`

['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is based on the Aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool'.  Whatever is written here, have various sources which may or may not be reliable, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themslves.

>> [Please donate to InBho / Rita Sharma Rupee 100 /-50/- ... through ICICI Bank Account No. 025501002121, ISFC: ICIC0000255].  


ओरा गइल  Oraa gail [The End]   


Sri: 24.10.9120 ग्लोबल भोजपुरी Global Bhojpuri 23.01.2021 CE

Bhojpuri dinan ke naav एतवार सोमार मंगर बुध बियफे शुक शनीचर

Names of Months: 

चैत बैशाख जेठ आसाढ़ सावन भादो अ.आशिन आशिन कातिक अगहन पुष माघ फागुन



[Vallure day: 125th BD of Netaaji Subhaascandra Bose]. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी Mitram Global Bhojpuri सृ. 24.10.1 972 949 120

 [Vallure day: 125th BD of Netaaji Subhaascandra Bose].

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी 

Mitram Global Bhojpuri

सृ. 24.10.1 972 949 120 शनीचर

[International Bhojpuri Daily: 23.01.2021 CE] 

अंक EDisan: 344.10.9120.

कुछ ख़ास समाचार: Sam Spesal Niuz:

[Be haebeecual of "21st. Century English" => ‘Inglish’ with 50 Letters

पराक्रम दिवस: 125म जनम दिन नेताजी सुभाष चंद्र बोस: 23.01.2021 KE.  

Paraakram Divas: 125m Janam din Netaaji Subhaas Candra Bo~s:

[Vallure day on 23.01.2021: 

125th BD of Netaaji Subhaschandra Bose]:

Netaaji SubhaasCandra Bo~s ke 

Supreem KammaanD me`, 1943 me` INA: 

"Indian Nesanal Aarmi" Senaapati 

Sahgal, Dhillon, Shahnawaaj libareTeD Indiaa (A & N Is).

Eh se Bhaarat ke janataa Assaam se Baloocistaan le, aa Kaashmir se Kanyaakumaari ke dil hilo~r lebe laagal, je se Angreji-Saasan hilee laagal rahe.

Hamani ke Netaaji Bhaarat ke aazaadi ke preranaa rahan.

AnDar da Supreem Kamaand aof Netaaji Subhaaschandra Bose, in 1943 INA: 

Indian Nesanal Aarmi aof 

Sahgal, Dhillon, Shahnawaaj libareTeD Indiaa (A & N Is).

Pipul aof India from A Tu B: "Assaam Tu Baloocistaan" aend fraom K Tu K: Kaashmir Tu Kanyaa kumaari weyar so jubilenT!!!


राष्ट्राध्यक्ष जो बाइडेन के 17 में से 5 पहिला कार्यवाहक आज्ञा: 

1. कोविड-19  कंट्रोल आ टीकाकरण प.

2. WHO प पिछला शासन के आज्ञा पलटलन.

3. ट्रम्प के इम्मिग्रेसन Visa रूल के पलटलन.

4. Historik rol baek aon "KlaaimeT Cenj".

5. स.रा.अ आ मेक्सिको बीच दीवाल बनावे के रोकाइल.   

** MMS: भारत में टीका युद्ध सुरु 16.01.2021 से. 

Koronaa se Bhaarat me` 16.01.2021 se Teekaa-Yudha Suru: 

>  EMS: ke Teekaa ta 2020 Maarce se calataa Bhaarat me`.

MMS: PM Narendra Modi 16.01.2020 ke Bhaarat me` Teekaakaran suru kailan.

Bhaarat me` sab Jilaa me` 

 Koronaa-Teekaakaran caalu bhail Sri: 17.10.9120 se laagataa sabse pahile Covaxin / Covishield Vaccine diyaataa.


** पूर्ण वुहान-विषाणु-Vyaadhi वार्ता: Ab Covid-1.0 aa Covid-2.0 Sansaar me` aa Bhaarato me`:

Pooraa Wuhaan-Veezaanu Vaat: [Comprehensive Wuhan-Virus info.]:

Kamprihensiv Wuhaan-Vaairas info:

** विश्व में वुहान-विषाणु-19 aa -20, Karib 19 लाख से जादा लोगन के मुअवलस. 

Vishwa me` Wuhaan-VeezaaNu [COVID-19 & 20]:

[Wuhan-virus killed over 2 Million people.]

Cin pasarlas Wuhaan-Veezaanu-19 aa Wuhaan-Veezaanu-20 sansaar bhar me`, je se kam se kam 

1 Maran / 10K bhail Sri: 18.10.9120 le 

neece ke deshan me`: 

da MosT saffaring kanTrees aof da WarlD with 

COVID-19 minimam 1 Deth /10Kd aez aon 17.01.2021 KE:


> Sri: 09.09.9120 ke Wuhaan-Vaairas, Vishwa me` paar kailas 2 Maran / 10K ke, aa 

> Kareeb 7 Maheenan me`: 0 Maram / 10K se 

1 Maram / 10K paar kailas 15.06.9120 [18.08.2020] ke. Baakir:

> Kareeb 2.8 Maheenan me`: 1 Maran / 10K se, 

2 Maran / 10 K ho gail Koronaa-1.0 Sansaar me`[15.11.2020] ke.

क्र.सं.  देश  Inglish [English] मरण / 10 K

1. सान मारिनो Saan Marino [San Marino] 19:  +1Ma/k

2. बेल्जियम: Beljiam  [Belgium] 17 +1Ma/k

3. जिब्राल्टर: Jibraaltar [Gibralter]   17 +1Ma/k

4. स्लोवेनिया Sloveniaa[Slovenia] 15 +1Ma/k

5. सजेचिया Sjeciaa [Czechia] 14 +1Ma/k

6. बर्तानिया Bartaaniyaa [UK]     14 + 1Ma/k

7.  इटली ITali    [Italy]    14 +1Ma/k

8. बष्निया हरगोबिना Bosniaa Harzagobinaa 13 +1Ma/k

9. लीएस्टैंटन Lestenten [Liechtenstein] 13 +1Ma/k

10. उ.मकडोनिया N.MekDoniaa [N.Macadonia] 13 +1Ma/k

11.. बुल्गारिया Bulgaariaa [Bulgaria] 12 + 1Ma/k

12. सं. रा. अमेरिका YSA [USA] 12 + 1Ma/k

13. हङ्गरी Hangari [Hungary] 12 + 1Ma/k

14. मोंटेनिग्रो MonTenigro [Moontenegro] 12 + 1Ma/k

15. अंडोरा Andoraa [Andorra] 12 * 1Ma/k

16. पेरू:          Peru 11 +1Ma/k

17. स्पेन: Spe~n    [Spain]  11 + 1Ma/k

18. क्रोएसिआ Kroesiaa [Croasia] 11 * 1Ma/k

19.. पनामा Panaamaa [Panama] 11  * 1Ma/k

20. मैक्सिको Mexiko [Mexico] 11  * 1Ma/k

21. फ्रांस: Fraans [France]    11  * 1Ma/k


22. स्वीडन: Swiden [Sweden] 10 > 1Ma/k  

23. आर्मेनिया Aarmeniaa   [Armenia] 10 > 1Ma/k  

24.  अर्जेंटिना    ArjenTinaa [Argentina]  10 > 1Ma/k

25. स्विटजरदेश: SwiTzarlaend [Switzerland] 10 > 1Ma/k

26. ब्राज़ील:    Braazil  [Brazil] 10 > 1Ma/k

27. चिली      Cili [Chile] 9

28. कोलंबिया Kolombiaa [Colombia] 9  

29. लिथुआनिया Lithuaaniaa [Lithuania]

30. पोलैंड Polaend [Poland]

31. रोमानिया Romaaniaa [Romania]

32. पोर्तुगाल Portugaal     [Portugaal] 9

33. माल्दोवा Maldovaa [Maldova] 8   

34. बोलिविया Boliviaa [Bolivia] 8

35. लक्सेम्बर्ग Laxembarg [Luxemburg] 8  

36. एक़ुआडोर: Ekuwaador [Ecuador] 8

37. ऑस्ट्रिया AsTriaa [Austria] 8


38. उत्तरीदेश: Nadarlaend  [Netherland]

39. जेओर्जिया Jeorjiaa [Georgia] 7

40. बेलिजे Belije [Belize] 7

41. स्लोवाकिया Slovaakiaa [Slovakia]

42. सिंत मार्टन Sint Maarten [Sint Marten] 6

43. ईरान: Iraan [Iran] 6

44. सिंत मार्टिन Sent MaarTin [Saint Martin]    6

45. दक्षिण अफ्रिका daxin Afrikaa [South Africa] 6

46.. जर्मनी Jarmani [Germany]

47. माल्टा Maaltaa [Malta]

48. यूनान Yunaan Grees [Greece]

49. आयरदेश: Aayarlaend [Ireland]

50. लटविया Latviaa [Latvia]

51. ट्यूनिसिआ Tyunisiaa [Tunisia] 5

52. युक्रेन Yukren [Eukraine] 5

53. अरुबा Arubaa [Aruba] 5


53. बहमा Bahamaas [Bahamas]

54. कोस्टा रिका KosTaa rikaa [Costa Rica]

55. कनाडा Kanaadaa  [Canada] 

56. फ्रेंच पोलिनेसिया FrencPo. [French Polinesia] 4

57. अल्बानिया Albaaniyaa [Albania] 4

58. रूस Rus Rassiaa [Russia]     4 

59. इजराएल Israael [Israel]

60. सर्बिया Sarbiyaa [Serbia] 4

61. जॉर्डन    Jordaan [Jordan] 4

62, चैनेल द्धीप: Caenel dweep [Chanal Is] 4

63. गुआदेलोपे Guaadeloupe [Guadeloupe] 3

64. ईराक Iraak [Iraq]

65. हॉण्डुराज Honduraaz [Honduras] 3

66. परागुए Paaraague [Paraguay] 3

67. संत  मार्टिन SanT MaarTin [Saint Martin] 3

68. पैलेस्टाइन Palestaain [Palestine] 3  

69. एस्वातिनी Eswaatini [Eswatini] 3

70. डेनमार्क Denmaark [Denmark]

71. लेबनान Lebanon [Lebanon] 3

72.  अज़रबैजान: Azarbaijaan [Azarbaijan]

73. मोंटेसेराट: Monteserraat [Montesrrat] 2

74. मैन के द्धीप: Maen ke dweep [Is. of Man] 2

75. किर्गिजिस्तान: Kyrgyzstaan [Kyrgyjistan] 2

76. फ्रेंच गुइना Fr. Guinaa [Fr. Guinaa] 2

77. डोमिनिकनरिपDominikanRip [DominicanRep] 2

78. ओमान Omaan [Oman]

79. गुआटेमाला  Guatemaalaa [Guatemala] 2

80. कुवैत Kuwait

0.   विश्व:  Vishwa:  Warld [World]      2

81. बहराइन Bahraain [Bahrain]

82. गुयना Guyanaa [Guyana] 2

83. सूरीनाम Surinaame [Suriname] 2

84. लीबिया Libyaa [Libya]

85. कबो वर्दे  Kaabo Varde [Cabo Verde] 2

86. अल सल्वाडोर El. Salvaador [Salvador] 2

87. मोरोक्को Morokko [Morocco] 2

88. मायोटे Maayotte [Mayotte] 2

89. मोनाको Monaako [Monaco] 2

89. बरमूडा Barmudaa [Bermuda] 1

90. मोनाको Monaako [Monaco] 1

91. गुअतेमला Guatemaalaa [Guatemala]  1

92,. सऊदीअरबिया SaudiArabiaa [Saudi Arabia]

93. तुर्की Tarki [Turkey]

94. तुर्क आ केको Tarks-Kaiko [Turks & Caics] 1

95. बरमुडा Barmudaa [Bermuda] 1

96. बेलारूस Belaarus [Belarus] 1

97. कैरेबियन नेदरलैंड [Caribbian Nertherland] 1

98. कज़ाखस्तानःKazaakhastaan [Kazakhstan] 1

99. मार्टिनीके Maartinike [Martinique] 1

100. भारत: Indiaa [India] 1

101. संत  बर्थ: St. Barth [St. Barth] 1

102. एस्टोनिया EsToniaa [Estonia] 1

103. जमइका Jamaikaa [Jamaica] 1

104. फिनलैंड Finlaend [Finland]

105. साईप्रस Saaipras [Cyprus] 1

107. नामीबिया Naamibiaa [Namibia] 1

108. कुरो काओ Kuro Kaao [Curocao] 1

109. नोर्वे  Norwe [Norway] 1

110. इण्डोनेसिआ Indonesiaa [Indonesia] 1

111. उरुगुए  Urugue [Uruguay] 1

In da ebav 111 kanTreez minimam 100 parsans / M haev losT deyar laaivs Diu Tu da 'WuhaanVaairas' [Covid-19] spreD fraom Caainaa thruaauT da WarlD.

Baakir abahee` ee "Korona-19 Teekaa Vyaapaar" suruye bhail ki, Koronaa-20 aa gail, je Korona-19 se auru jor se faelewaalaa baa!!!



 8Th Barris, शुरुआत Suruaat [Publication since: 02.12.2013 AD]

  ‘Roman', ‘Devanaagari’ Lipi me`. [May use ‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script.]

** 'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik', 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' ke Uddes aa Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa. Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`

['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is based on the Aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool'.  Whatever is written here, have various sources which may or may not be reliable, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themslves.

>> [Please donate to InBho / Rita Sharma Rupee 100 /-50/- ... through ICICI Bank Account No. 025501002121, ISFC: ICIC0000255].  


ओरा गइल  Oraa gail [The End] 


Sri: 24.10.9120 ग्लोबल भोजपुरी Global Bhojpuri 23.01.2021 CE

Bhojpuri dinan ke naav एतवार सोमार मंगर बुध बियफे शुक शनीचर

Names of Months: 

चैत बैशाख जेठ आसाढ़ सावन भादो अ.आशिन आशिन कातिक अगहन पुष माघ फागुन



Saturday, 16 January 2021

"21st. Century English" => ['Inglish' with 50 LeTTars] 15.01.2021.

"21st. Century English" => 

['Inglish' with 50 LeTTars]  


. [Inglish: "Modern English Rational: Well understood by Google.] 

MoDarn Inglish Raesanal: Well AnDarstooD baai Google.

* da YangesT Laenguej aof da WarlD: "Inglish" haez 

50 DisTingT LeTTars aez on 15.01.2021.

Barth: 09.07.2018 KE: Kaomman Eraa,  

Sri: 9118  ebaauT 2.5 yr yang.   

Nambar aof Yuzars: ovar 10000.

Eriyaa: MosTli in Amerikaa, Eshiaa aend Yurop.

LiTarecar: Laaik "English",

SkripT: LaeTino-Roman yuzing aol  da 50 LeTTars DisTingTli.

In "InTarnesanal Bhojpuri": 

{Sansaar ke Naveenatam Bhaazaa: "Inglish", 50 khaas Axaran ke saath.

Janm: 09.07.2018 KE, karib 2.5 Baris ke bhaasaa. 

Prayoga kare waalan ke sankhyaa: karib 10000. 

Xetra: Adhikaansa Amerikaa, Esiyaa aa Yurop

Saahitya: "English" jaisan.}

Caellenj Tu UnivarsiTeez:

In 2018 KE, caellenjez weyar thron Tu meni UnivarsiTeez Tu fardar edaopT, Develaop aend promoT 'Inglish' faor da DevelaopmenT aof da 500 / 600 yr olD  'English' laenguej.

So faar nathing haez been harD in dis respekT fraom eni YunivarsiTi iven aafTar 10 manths.

De weyar  agen rikwesTeD ebaauT 15Dez agen Tu aDaopT da raesnal "Inglish Laenguej" whic Du naoT neeD aaidar "Larning baai roT da spellings aof  thaausanDs aof  warDs" aor / aend TransliTaresan etc; so aez Tu Develaop "English".

[Challange to Universities:

In 2018 CE, challanges were thrown to many Universities to further develop, edopt and promote 'Inglish'  for the development aof da 500 / 600 yr old 'English' language.

So far nothing has been heard in this respect. 

They are once again requeated / challanged to adopt the rational "Inglish Laenguej" which do not need either "Learning by wrote the spellings of thousands of words" or / and Transliteration etc; so as to  develop "English".]

 TuDe da riprinT aof: 'Inglish' with maainar moDifikesans aof 25 Julaai 2018 iz Dan hiyar faor

'21sT Sencuri Inglish': => ‘Inglish’.

>> Pleez sarc da faolowing & riplaai: 

[Please Search the following and reply]:

[A Challenge To Top Universities by:

"21sT Sencuri Inglish" => Inglish.

"21sT Sencuri Inglish has 50 LeTTars": nik-nemD as 'Inglish' > LiTTl biT auf 'Sanskrit' aend ‘Saains’ 

=> ‘Inglish’

Bi haebeecual aof 'Inglish' = '21sT Sencuri Inglish' .

[Be habitual of '21st Century English' = 'Inglish', hence-forth, which is well read by Google, in place of 

15th-16th Century irrational, unscientific old 'English' 

Commonly used presently].

U~z Inglish in place of old English. 

[English has 50 Letters: Yes, True, they are not named properly, neither are they used properly.

Since last 500 yr to 600 yr life of English, this remained so. 

No body worried. Linguists kept on teaching: 

“English has 26 letters". 

Students also followed the teachers and learn like a parrot: 

“English has 26 Letters.” 

However, look and count yourself how many letters / distingt symbles English has:

a b c d e  

f g h i j

 k l m n o

 p q r s t

 u v w x y 

> All these 26 Symbles are named, but not used properly, rationally, scientifically in 



A B D E F 

G H I J K 

L M N P Q 


 X Y Z 

> These 23 symbles / letters are not even named properly in 'English', neither used properly, rationally, scientifically.

No teachers, no Professors, no Linguists have tried to observe: 

“English has 50 distinct Letters / Symbols, but only 26 of them are named, the rests are not even named and used properly, efficiently and scientifically.”  

Now you may look at the Modern 

“21st Century English” Scientific => Nick named as 'Inglish'.

For more, please go to the bolgs mensioned herein.]:

‘21st Sencuri Inglish’ iz raesanal & SaainTifik:

MoDarn 21st Sencuri ‘Inglish’, raesanal  & SaainTifik haez 50 leTTars whic aar yuzD raesanalli aend veri saainTifikalli, aez biing riTTen hiyar, whic neeD no avoiDebl 

‘TraansliTaresan’, ["Transliteration"]. 

Du yu no, "Inglish haej 50 leTTars, aol aof whic aar uTilaaizd praoparli. raesanalli aend saanTifikalli in MoDarn 

“TwenTi FarsT Sencuri Inglish” / "21sT Sencuri Inglish" 

> "Inglish”, raessanal aend saainTifik, aor simpli "Inglish" in shaorT, anlaaik da old "English' aor “Common English” in whic wards aar wriTTen irraesanalli and mosT an-saainTifikally, aez aol no.

*** Naau aez yu me bi noing,  “Inglish" waaz baorn aon 09.07.2018 KE: "Kaomman Eraa" >

Fraom da wumb aof da Madar aof mosT laenguejez: ‘Sanskrit’, with da narsing aof 1600-1800 Yiar old 'Bhojpuri Language'. 

["Modern English" => 'Inglish' was born on 09.07.2018 CE with 49 - 50 Roman, Latin symbles, 

letters using, rassanaly and scientifically, from the womb of the Mother of most Languages: ‘Sanskrit’, with nurshing of 1600-1800 old 

"Bhojpuri Language'. ]

[A Challenge To Top Universities by:

"21sT Sencuri Inglish" => Inglish.


 "21sT Sencuri Inglish" haeD challengeD to the Top Universities about an year ago,  and again to aept the "Challenge of Promoting: Inglish" to make "English" rassanal and scientific, so as to get rid of the avoidable learning by rot 1000s of 'spellings' and learning the avoidable 'Transliteration'.   

Hope the progressive rational Universities accept the Challenge. A quick confirmation is expected on the bhog.

No University has responded sa far.

Thus no further  request is going to be made hence forth.

However, those who contacts, will be welcomed.]


21sT. Sencuri Inglish 15.01.2021


"21st. Century English" => ['Inglish' with 50 LeTTars] 15.01.2021.


"21st. Century English" => 

['Inglish' with 50 LeTTars]  


. [Inglish: "Modern English Rational: Well understood by Google.] 

MoDarn Inglish Raesanal: Well AnDarstooD baai Google.

* da YangesT Laenguej aof da WarlD: "Inglish" haez 

50 DisTingT LeTTars aez on 15.01.2021.

Barth: 09.07.2018 KE: Kaomman Eraa,  

Sri: 9118  ebaauT 2.5 yr yang.   

Nambar aof Yuzars: ovar 10000.

Eriyaa: MosTli in Amerikaa, Eshiaa aend Yurop.

LiTarecar: Laaik "English",

SkripT: LaeTino-Roman yuzing aol  da 50 LeTTars DisTingTli.

In "InTarnesanal Bhojpuri": 

{Sansaar ke Naveenatam Bhaazaa: "Inglish", 50 khaas Axaran ke saath.

Janm: 09.07.2018 KE, karib 2.5 Baris ke bhaasaa. 

Prayoga kare waalan ke sankhyaa: karib 10000. 

Xetra: Adhikaansa Amerikaa, Esiyaa aa Yurop

Saahitya: "English" jaisan.}

Caellenj Tu UnivarsiTeez:

In 2018 KE, caellenjez weyar thron Tu meni UnivarsiTeez Tu fardar edaopT, Develaop aend promoT 'Inglish' faor da DevelaopmenT aof da 500 / 600 yr olD  'English' laenguej.

So faar nathing haez been harD in dis respekT fraom eni YunivarsiTi iven aafTar 10 manths.

De weyar  agen rikwesTeD ebaauT 15Dez agen Tu aDaopT da raesnal "Inglish Laenguej" whic Du naoT neeD aaidar "Larning baai roT da spellings aof  thaausanDs aof  warDs" aor / aend TransliTaresan etc; so aez Tu Develaop "English".

[Challange to Universities:

In 2018 CE, challanges were thrown to many Universities to further develop, edopt and promote 'Inglish'  for the development aof da 500 / 600 yr old 'English' language.

So far nothing has been heard in this respect. 

They are once again requeated / challanged to adopt the rational "Inglish Laenguej" which do not need either "Learning by wrote the spellings of thousands of words" or / and Transliteration etc; so as to  develop "English".]

 TuDe da riprinT aof: 'Inglish' with maainar moDifikesans aof 25 Julaai 2018 iz Dan hiyar faor

'21sT Sencuri Inglish': => ‘Inglish’.

>> Pleez sarc da faolowing & riplaai: 

[Please Search the following and reply]:

[A Challenge To Top Universities by:

"21sT Sencuri Inglish" => Inglish.

"21sT Sencuri Inglish has 50 LeTTars": nik-nemD as 'Inglish' > LiTTl biT auf 'Sanskrit' aend ‘Saains’ 

=> ‘Inglish’

Bi haebeecual aof 'Inglish' = '21sT Sencuri Inglish' .

[Be habitual of '21st Century English' = 'Inglish', hence-forth, which is well read by Google, in place of 

15th-16th Century irrational, unscientific old 'English' 

Commonly used presently].

U~z Inglish in place of old English. 

[English has 50 Letters: Yes, True, they are not named properly, neither are they used properly.

Since last 500 yr to 600 yr life of English, this remained so. 

No body worried. Linguists kept on teaching: 

“English has 26 letters". 

Students also followed the teachers and learn like a parrot: 

“English has 26 Letters.” 

However, look and count yourself how many letters / distingt symbles English has:

a b c d e  

f g h i j

 k l m n o

 p q r s t

 u v w x y 

> All these 26 Symbles are named, but not used properly, rationally, scientifically in 



A B D E F 

G H I J K 

L M N P Q 


 X Y Z 

> These 23 symbles / letters are not even named properly in 'English', neither used properly, rationally, scientifically.

No teachers, no Professors, no Linguists have tried to observe: 

“English has 50 distinct Letters / Symbols, but only 26 of them are named, the rests are not even named and used properly, efficiently and scientifically.”  

Now you may look at the Modern 

“21st Century English” Scientific => Nick named as 'Inglish'.

For more, please go to the bolgs mensioned herein.]:

‘21st Sencuri Inglish’ iz raesanal & SaainTifik:

MoDarn 21st Sencuri ‘Inglish’, raesanal  & SaainTifik haez 50 leTTars whic aar yuzD raesanalli aend veri saainTifikalli, aez biing riTTen hiyar, whic neeD no avoiDebl 

‘TraansliTaresan’, ["Transliteration"]. 

Du yu no, "Inglish haej 50 leTTars, aol aof whic aar uTilaaizd praoparli. raesanalli aend saanTifikalli in MoDarn 

“TwenTi FarsT Sencuri Inglish” / "21sT Sencuri Inglish" 

> "Inglish”, raessanal aend saainTifik, aor simpli "Inglish" in shaorT, anlaaik da old "English' aor “Common English” in whic wards aar wriTTen irraesanalli and mosT an-saainTifikally, aez aol no.

*** Naau aez yu me bi noing,  “Inglish" waaz baorn aon 09.07.2018 KE: "Kaomman Eraa" >

Fraom da wumb aof da Madar aof mosT laenguejez: ‘Sanskrit’, with da narsing aof 1600-1800 Yiar old 'Bhojpuri Language'. 

["Modern English" => 'Inglish' was born on 09.07.2018 CE with 49 - 50 Roman, Latin symbles, 

letters using, rassanaly and scientifically, from the womb of the Mother of most Languages: ‘Sanskrit’, with nurshing of 1600-1800 old 

"Bhojpuri Language'. ]

[A Challenge To Top Universities by:

"21sT Sencuri Inglish" => Inglish.


 "21sT Sencuri Inglish" haeD challengeD to the Top Universities about an year ago,  and again to aept the "Challenge of Promoting: Inglish" to make "English" rassanal and scientific, so as to get rid of the avoidable learning by rot 1000s of 'spellings' and learning the avoidable 'Transliteration'.   

Hope the progressive rational Universities accept the Challenge. A quick confirmation is expected on the bhog.

No University has responded sa far.

Thus no further  request is going to be made hence forth.

However, those who contacts, will be welcomed.]


21sT. Sencuri Inglish 15.01.2021

Friday, 8 January 2021

["21st. Century English"] => 'Inglish' with 50 LeTTars 08.03. 2020- 22.12.2020 - 08.01.2021.


"21st. Century English" =>

'Inglish' with 50 LeTTars]  

08.03. 2020- 22.12.2020 - 08.01.2021.

. [Inglish: "Modern English Rational: Well understood by Google.]

MoDarn Inglish Raesanal: Well AnDarstooD baai Googla.


* da YangesT Laenguej aof da WarlD: "Inglish" haez

50 DisTingT LeTTars aez on 05.01.2021.

Barth: 09.07.2018 KE: Kaomman Eraa, 

Sri: 9118  ebaauT 2.5 yr yang.  

Nambar aof Yuzars: ovar 10000.

Eriyaa: MosTli in Amerikaa, Eshiaa aend Yurop.

LiTarecar: Laaik "English",

SkripT: LaeTino-Roman yuzing aol  da 50 LeTTars DisTingTli.


In "InTarnesanal Bhojpuri":

{Sansaar ke Naveenatam Bhaazaa: "Inglish", 50 khaas Axaran ke saath.

Janm: 09.07.2018 KE, karib 2.5 Baris ke bhaasaa.

Prayoga kare waalan ke sankhyaa: karib 10000.

Xetra: Adhikaansa Amerikaa, Esiyaa aa Yurop

Saahitya: "English" jaisan.}


Caellenj Tu UnivarsiTeez:

In 2018 KE, caellenjez weyar thron Tu meni UnivarsiTeez Tu fardar edaopT, Develaop aend promoT 'Inglish' faor da DevelaopmenT aof da 500 / 600 yr olD  'English' laenguej.


So faar nathing haez been harD in dis respekT fraom eni YunivarsiTi iven aafTar 10 manths.


De weyar  agen rikwesTeD ebaauT 15Dez agen Tu aDaopT da raesnal "Inglish Laenguej" whic Du naoT neeD aaidar "Larning baai roT da spellings aof  thaausanDs aof  warDs" aor / aend TransliTaresan etc; so aez Tu Develaop "English".


[Challange to Universities:

In 2018 CE, challanges were thrown to many Universities to further develop, edopt and promote 'Inglish'  for the development aof da 500 / 600 yr old 'English' language.

So far nothing has been heard in this respect.

They are once again requeated / challanged to adopt the rational "Inglish Laenguej" which do not need either "Learning by wrote the spellings of thousands of words" or / and Transliteration etc; so as to  develop "English".]


 TuDe da riprinT aof: 'Inglish' with maainar moDifikesans aof 25 Julaai 2018 iz Dan hiyar faor

'21sT Sencuri Inglish': => ‘Inglish’.


>> Pleez sarc da faolowing & riplaai:

[Please Search the following and reply]:



[A Challenge To Top Universities by:

"21sT Sencuri Inglish" => Inglish.


"21sT Sencuri Inglish has 50 LeTTars": nik-nemD as 'Inglish' > LiTTl biT auf 'Sanskrit' aend ‘Saains’

=> ‘Inglish’

Bi haebeecual aof 'Inglish' = '21sT Sencuri Inglish' .


[Be habitual of '21st Century English' = 'Inglish', hence-forth, which is well read by Google, in place of

15th-16th Century irrational, unscientific old 'English'

Commonly used presently].

U~z Inglish in place of old English.


[English has 50 Letters: Yes, True, they are not named properly, neither are they used properly.

Since last 500 yr to 600 yr life of English, this remained so.

No body worried. Linguists kept on teaching:

“English has 26 letters".

Students also followed the teachers and learn like a parrot:

“English has 26 Letters.”


However, look and count yourself how many letters / distingt symbles English has:

a b c d e 

f g h i j

 k l m n o

 p q r s t

 u v w x y


> All these 26 Symbles are named, but not used properly, rationally, scientifically in







 X Y Z

> These 23 symbles / letters are not even named properly in 'English', neither used properly, rationally, scientifically.


No teachers, no Professors, no Linguists have tried to observe:

“English has 50 distinct Letters / Symbols, but only 26 of them are named, the rests are not even named and used properly, efficiently and scientifically.” 

Now you may look at the Modern

“21st Century English” Scientific => Nick named as 'Inglish'.

For more, please go to the bolgs mensioned herein.]:


‘21st Sencuri Inglish’ iz raesanal & SaainTifik:

MoDarn 21st Sencuri ‘Inglish’, raesanal  & SaainTifik haez 50 leTTars whic aar yuzD raesanalli aend veri saainTifikalli, aez biing riTTen hiyar, whic neeD no avoiDebl

‘TraansliTaresan’, ["Transliteration"].


Du yu no, "Inglish haej 50 leTTars, aol aof whic aar uTilaaizd praoparli. raesanalli aend saanTifikalli in MoDarn

“TwenTi FarsT Sencuri Inglish” / "21sT Sencuri Inglish"

> "Inglish”, raessanal aend saainTifik, aor simpli "Inglish" in shaorT, anlaaik da old "English' aor “Common English” in whic wards aar wriTTen irraesanalli and mosT an-saainTifikally, aez aol no.


*** Naau aez yu me bi noing,  “Inglish" waaz baorn aon 09.07.2018 KE: "Kaomman Eraa" >

Fraom da wumb aof da Madar aof mosT laenguejez: ‘Sanskrit’, with da narsing aof 1600-1800 Yiar old 'Bhojpuri Language'.



["Modern English" => 'Inglish' was born on 09.07.2018 CE with 49 - 50 Roman, Latin symbles,

letters using, rassanaly and scientifically, from the womb of the Mother of most Languages: ‘Sanskrit’, with nurshing of 1600-1800 old

"Bhojpuri Language'. ]


[A Challenge To Top Universities by:

"21sT Sencuri Inglish" => Inglish.


 "21sT Sencuri Inglish" haeD challengeD to the Top Universities about an year ago,  and again to aept the "Challenge of Promoting: Inglish" to make "English" rassanal and scientific, so as to get rid of the avoidable learning by rot 1000s of 'spellings' and learning the avoidable 'Transliteration'.   


Hope the progressive rational Universities accept the Challenge. A quick confirmation is expected on the bhog.]


21sT. Sencuri Inglish 08.01.2021